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Coyote Brotherhood


Prayer List


June is here Brothers!

So many things fill this month as we see a glimpse of summer and all the outside activities that lie ahead.  This is also a time of graduations and weddings to mention a few of the milestone events we celebrate.

June is also the month we honor our earthly Fathers and celebrate the men in our lives that trained us, encouraged us, and taught us how to be a man.

Hopefully one of the lessons we were taught was that a family is a team.  What it means to support one another, to defend one another, and to respect one another.  In the Book of Psalms 133, God makes an observation, " How good and pleasant it is when his people live together in unity".  In a time when so many are quick to divide mankind by color, sex and ethnic makeup, God says unity is the goal.  We can never confuse unity with total agreement or one way or the highway mentality. There is far more that unites us than will ever divide us.  I'm sure if we asked any coach the biggest fear on any team is if they ever get down enough to turn on each other.  It takes something special to rally around and believe in a set common goal and end strife.  I have watched this very thing happen over the past several years with the Brotherhood.  You all have put down differences of every type and rallied around each other to support those in need.  We share a love for a university and a game that made us just like that family that defended, supported and uplifted each other in all seasons. So, I can truly say, how good and pleasant it is to see unity in our house!  I give each of you men my respect and appreciation for standing alongside each other and lifting a brother and supporting their families in a time of need.


The Brotherhood has had to deal with the loss of our own and loved ones.  Please take a moment to remember the recent passing of Ron Trimble keep his family in your prayers.  Also, the recent passing of Dr Ron Hinds (Rick's Father) and Stu Bullington's father.


We also have many things to be thankful for!  A recent endeavor by the Russell family to support needy families in the Philly area has been successful and will continue as a memorial to JR's Mom, Betty.


We continue to hear from brothers who are continuing to recover from health issues, and we want to continue to lift them up in prayer.

Please continue to pray and encourage Larry Hultgren and family, as well as Mark Newman's wife, Stefan Logan's wife, Wayne Stastny's wife, Steve Winkel's brother Mark.  They are all in need of God's healing and grace as they fight the good fight!

Let us continue to hold in prayer the families who have recently lost loved ones and have gone
on to their eternal reward.  We lift up our prayer team captain Dean Payne and wife Diane Payne
in the loss of her mother Kathleen Albright.  We lift up Barry Blue's family...We lift up Adam Grimsley family in the loss of his wife...Scott Jones family in the loss of his mother, Doug Smith’s family, Steve Horner’s family, Kevin Purdy’s family, Jeffery Armantrout in the loss of his mother Donna, Bob Clark’s
family and coach Neilson family.


I leave you with this from Psalms 10:17 You, Lord, hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry.

Our prayer team is always available and just a phone call or text away.

Contact Dean Payne (574)276-1442, Joe Morgan (530)340-0866 or Amos Allen (305)801-7838 to be added to the prayer list.


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